Keith Stewart Joins Board of Directors

Keith Stewart of Greenville, Orange County, NY has joined the board of directors of the Orange County Land Trust. Keith was the co-owner and operator of Keith’s Farm, a certified organic farm producing vegetables, herbs, and fruit.

For over 30 years, Keith’s Farm was a staple at the Union Square Greenmarket. Today, a portion of the farm is leased to two former employees who now operate their own growing business. Keith is also the author of two published books, It’s a Long Road to a Tomato: Tales of an Organic Farmer who Quit the Big City for the Not So Simple Life (now in its 2nd edition), and Storey’s Guide to Growing Organic Vegetables & Herbs for Market. His articles have appeared in The Valley Table Magazine, Dirt Magazine, Reader’s Digest, Audubon Magazine, and other publications.

A graduate of the Yale School of the Environment, Keith earned a Master’s degree in Forest Science in 1980. He also holds a Master’s degree in English Literature and a Bachelor’s degree in English and History from Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand.

In 2007, Keith and his wife, Flavia Bacarella, partnered with OCLT and Orange County Government on a conservation easement that protects their 85-acre farm in perpetuity.

Lewis H. Lain, OCLT Board President, said: “Keith is no stranger to the Land Trust; he has been a supporter of ours since the beginning and continues to be a staunch advocate for the land.”

Keith Stewart said: “Orange County, New York is special. Those of us who live here should pinch ourselves every day to remind us how fortunate we are. There are not many places on this earth that have such a wealth of diversity: farmland, wildland, clean air, clean water, prosperous human communities, and great variety of terrain, soils, forest, and wildlife.” He added, “The mission of the Land Trust is to protect and preserve this ecological richness and social and biotic health. Over more than 30 years much has been achieved. But, if we wish to hold on to the natural wealth we currently have, there is plenty more to do. As a retired farmer and former recipient of a conservation easement held by the Orange County Land Trust, I am honored to be now serving on its Board of Directors.”

Keith and Flavia live on their farm in Greenville and enjoy traveling, art, and living life to its fullest.